The new Narnia sequel, Prince Caspian opens tonight. Will it be as good as The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe? I hope so. I grew up reading these books and so I hope that the movie lives up to the story I will let you know what I think.
Lovely lovely pictures you have there. I really liked the movie Prince Caspian. I must admit I loved The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe the first time I saw it. And I really liked this one...I think it will be that type of film that I watch again and I'll like it even more. Especially watching Ben Barnes is going to be awesome. He's so funny. Of course he had to be British. All the guys I like are British. Hmm...maybe I should move to London after all.
Lovely lovely pictures you have there. I really liked the movie Prince Caspian. I must admit I loved The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe the first time I saw it. And I really liked this one...I think it will be that type of film that I watch again and I'll like it even more. Especially watching Ben Barnes is going to be awesome. He's so funny. Of course he had to be British. All the guys I like are British. Hmm...maybe I should move to London after all.
I love Narnia! I wish I could live would be so awesome!
p.s.-Prince Caspian is a lovely bloke.
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